Very limited editions.
Not official, but custom made.
The old ones have no LED, the new ones do have LED.
They appear as keychains and as big lights for your bedroom.
Storage Folder for Building Instructions with 16 Internal Pockets (#1130)
This set may have been known as "Space Express", but we don't know for certain.
In catalogues from German toy store chains "Vedes" and "Spielzeugring" is was called "Schwernutzlast-Raumschiff".
Nice reading here:
This set was available as a promotion with Persil laundry powder in selected European countries including the UK, Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden and Belgium. It was also available through the German toy store chain "Idee + Spiel". It is built using parts from sets 6880 and 6929.
Nice reading here: